Southwest Interdenominational Prayers for Christians and Muslims: Organized by Atikulated Global Movement (AGM)
SOUTHWEST INTERDENOMINATIONAL PRAYERS FOR CHRISTIANS & MUSLIMS.Organized by Atikulated Global Movement (AGM) in partnership with Distinguished Engr. Femi Babalola.DATE; February 19, '23.TIME; 12 Noon.VENUE; Felicia Hall Jogor Center, Ibadan.
Our God is Sovereign, He alone raises and lowers kings, and Presidents among men in all Nations on the Earth. In lure of this, it is justifiable to seek His face and intervention when decision to choose Leaders for our Country are to be made.
The Holy Scriptures instructed us to offer prayers for Governments, Kings, Leaders, all those in authority and all men to lead a tranquil and quiet life in godliness, and dignity with full allegiance to God who is the Supreme LORD over all affairs of human endeavors.
As we countdown to the long antici...