Tuesday, March 11News That Matters

Tag: IJMB Requirements

5 Advantages of IJMB and How you can make good use of it

5 Advantages of IJMB and How you can make good use of it

IJMB– Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examinations (IJMBE) is an Advanced level programme moderated by the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Kaduna State with various partnering accredited centres and Institutions nationwide. The IJMB programme was intended for candidates who cannot secure direct university admission. The programme is suitable for students who wish to study in the country’s tertiary Institutions and were denied admission either due to JAMB failure, Post-utme Failure, or Mass Quota failure (i.e university cannot admit more than its capacity due to high number of candidates) and so many other reasons. IJMB guarantees 200L University admission provided the candidates meets up with the required points for admission. A candidate is expected to obtain 5-8poin...