5 Good Reasons Why You Should Apply IJMB


We shall list below, 5 Reasons why you should apply for IJMB whether or not you are a student aspiring to gain admission into the University but failed JAMB and would like to consider the IJMB programme as an alternative.

1. The result takes a whopping of 7 years to expire, unlike your JAMB that is only for a year.
2. You can use it over and over again
3. You can still be doing it and apply for JAMB if you want to kill two birds with a stone
4. You will have a higher PGD in your university as is going to be divided by 3years not four years like others who used JAMB.
5. You have more advantages of being admitted unlike those who used JAMB since students with A level Results (IJMB Result) are very fewer in ratio.

Many People have not heard about the programme , and it has been rapidly productive originating from the north and spreading to other parts ›of the country. I believe we have stated above reasons why you should register for the IJMB programme. Read the Full details about the IJMB programme now.

A’ Level is a unique level programme for undergraduate seeking admission into any university of their choice.

You will be admitted into 200 level, without writing UTME (JAMB).

Upon successful completion of the programme, apply for any school of your choice

ALSO READ: List of Universities that Accepts IJMB for 200L Admission in Nigeria

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