Sunday, March 9News That Matters

List of the Top 10 Universities in Nigeria, according to the 2023 World University Ranking

This is a list of the top 10 best Federal, State and Private Universities in Nigeria according to World global ranking system.

The World University Rankings for 2023 have been announced by The Times Higher Education (THE), a British publication that focuses on higher education globally.
1,799 universities from 104 different nations and regions are included in the list.
THE reported that they have gathered approximately 680,000 datapoints overall from more than 2,500 different universities.

What are Nigeria’s top universities?

The University of Ibadan and the University of Lagos are tied for first place in Nigeria, per the rating. Both federally funded universities are between positions 401 and 500 internationally.

Covenant University (private) is the third best University in the list and ranks between 601 and 800 in the world.

What are the Top 10 Universities in Nigeria?

S/NUniversitiesNigeria RankingWorld Ranking
1University of Ibadan (UI)1401-500
2University of Lagos (UNILAG)1401-500
3Covenant University (CU)3601-800
4Bayero University Kano (BUK)41001-1200
5Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA)41001-1200
6University of Benin (UNIBEN)61201-1500
7University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN)61201-1500
8Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU)61201-1500
9Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB)71500+
10Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH)71500+

Above is a comprehensive and updated list of the top 10 Universities in Nigeria according to World rank.

ALSO READ: How to Gain Admission in Nigeria without JAMB to 200L via IJMB

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